In the study “Are Questions the Answer? The Effect of Popular Study Resources on USMLE Step 1 Performance” (published by the Association of American Medical Colleges), researchers determined that a “student who completes the entire UWorld Qbank would increase his/her score by 20 points (1 SD on Step 1) as compared to the same student who does 0 USMLE World Questions”. Independent Study Identifies USMLEWorld as Having “Greatest Effect” on Step 1 Qbank Please read along for a detailed overview. The USMLEWorld Step 1 Qbank, while retaining the best features, answers all of the shortcomings and also has some new features helpful for the exam. From our experience, we have found both the pros and cons in each one of them. There are a number of options out there in the market to prepare for the USMLE Step 1 exam.
Choosing the right material for USMLE preparation is the key to achieving high scores.